
  1. Heading not closed
  2. Math block not closed
  3. Malformed tagged-list item
  4. Unrecognized file type
  5. Content missing in target
  6. Target already set
  7. Target text missing
  8. @charset declared in embedded file or quotation block
  9. Too many tags
  10. Linked parent of Aneamal root directory
  11. Annotated text missing
  12. Unmatched right curly bracket
  13. Filename/URI missing
  14. Characters after link in metadata declaration
  15. Corrupt base64 encoding
  16. Character encoding mismatch
  17. Unrecognized character encoding
  18. Too many Aneamal files included
  19. Invalid characters in language code
  20. Target text missing in reference
  21. Metadata name missing
  22. Invalid notes markup
  23. Note missing
  24. Alternative-language code missing
  25. Multiple consecutive links
  26. Multiple consecutive hints
  27. Line feed missing after heading
  28. Metadata name expected after ->@
  29. Metadata name after ->@ not declared
  30. Filename/URI missing
  31. Malformed custom-mark declaration
  32. Custom mark already declared
  33. Incomplete custom mark
  34. Undeclared custom mark
  35. Malformed multiline metadata declaration
  36. Origin already set
  37. Empty tag in tagged list
  38. Invalid link modifier
  39. Invalid writing direction declared
  40. Malformed option
  41. String not closed
  42. Data-URI link without description
  43. Custom mark not declared as link or embedded file
  44. Missing whitespace between $$ and math label
  45. Not a readable file
  46. Image type not supported
  47. Image could not be resized
  48. Metadata name expected after @
  49. Metadata name after @ not declared
  50. Aneamal file not readable
  51. Curly brackets not closed
  52. Invalid sandwich markup
  53. Bottom sandwich delimiter missing
  54. Prefix missing in sandwich markup
  55. x-module subtype missing
  56. Unrecognized file type
  57. Content in template
  58. Unknown Aneamal template
  59. Embedded file not supported for this metadata name
  60. Unprotected special character in URI
  61. Blank line missing after expandable-section heading
  62. Expandable-section heading missing
  63. Expandable-section heading not closed
  64. Expandable-section break without corresponding heading
  65. Invalid @layout value
  66. Invalid @header value
  67. Invalid @footer value
  68. Invalid @look value
  69. Heading text missing
  70. Target text missing
  71. Invalid @aside value
  72. Too many fields in TSV line
  73. Module not found
  74. Forbidden URI type for @meta
  75. Main heading incomplete
  76. Unexpected character in metadata name
  77. Reserved metadata name
  78. Reserved metadata name
  79. Not a readable file
  80. File exceeds textcap
  81. Metadata name already declared
  82. Invalid @meta value
  83. Forbidden URI type for linked Aneamal file
  84. Error in module
  85. ParseError in module
  86. TypeError in module
  87. Forbidden URI type for file
  88. Forbidden URI type for linked image file
  89. Not a readable file
  90. Aneamal file exceeds textcap
  91. Link expected to point to a file
  92. Missing whitespace between key and answer
  93. Crossed-out string or inline note not closed
  94. Unmatched right cross or unmatched right fork
  95. Reserved characters at paragraph start
  96. Reserved first character in line
  97. Missing whitespace after alignment mark
  98. Heading or section break in notes
  99. Alignment of this kind already set
  100. Alignment for expandable-section break
  101. Wrong number of links for module
  102. Too many links for linked file
  103. Too many hints for linked file
  104. Unexpected character in module name
  105. Origin set for single-tagged list
  106. Tag combination already used to tag an item
  107. Tag combination already used in another combination
  108. Message from module
  109. Invalid @fix value
  110. Tagged list lacks tags
  111. Invalid data URI
  112. Link text or address required
  113. Preview image folder not writable
  114. Metadata name expected after ->@
  115. Metadata name after ->@ not declared
  116. Invalid @load value
  117. Address missing
  118. Malformed textbox
  119. Missing whitespace after textbox
  120. Unexpected tab character in suggestions file
  121. Reserved textbox type
  122. PHP exception
  123. Obsolete character encoding
  124. Malformed file token
  125. Value missing in metadata declaration
  126. Missing whitespace before caption
  127. Post handler of module not callable
  128. Post handler of module returned unexpected type
  129. Embedded file used for unrecognized metadata name
  130. Metadata name not declared with text value
  131. Metadata name not declared with link value
  132. Metadata name not declared with link value
  133. t-module subtype missing
  134. Mix of mutually exclusive and non-exclusive options
  135. Post handler of module did not return a PHP list