212: Heading or section break in notes

Three consecutive underscores ___ at the beginning of a block mark notes, for example footnotes. In your case the content of the note appears to be a heading or section break, but these can not be a note.


If you meant to have a heading or section break after a note, make sure to leave a blank line between both and do not forget the actual text of the note either:

Homer J. Simpson’s middle name is actually Jay.

--- The incidence with the cat ---

If you meant to start a note with three literal equals signs ===, three literal hyphens --- or plus signs +++, two literal hyphens separated by a space - - or two literal plus signs separated by a space + +, which all mark headings or section breaks of some kind, then mark them as literal by prepending a backslash:

\+++ was the rating given by the credit rating agency.

If you really need to put an actual heading inside a note, you can achieve that by putting the heading inside an embedded Aneamal file inside the note:

|--- Mysterious heading ---