227: Link text or address required

The arrow -> creates a link. It is expected to be followed directly by an address to which it leads or to be preceeded directly by a link text or to be both preceeded by a link text and followed by an address. In your case the arrow -> stands alone though.


Make sure to append the arrow to a link text or to add an address immediately after the arrow. These are all valid examples:

% The first example has a link text and an address:
Read more in our `help center`->/help/.

% The second example lacks a link text, but has an address:
Find my new website at ->https://example.org/.

% The third example has a link text, but no address. It
% serves as a placeholder for a future link.
You will find the website here-> once it is ready.

If you did not mean to create a link, but wanted to print an arrow verbatim, prepend a backslash to mark it as literal: \->