155: Unprotected special character in URI

Either the dollar sign $ or a vertical bar | occurs in a link address (URI) without being protected in any way. In Aneamal the dollar sign is normally used to mark a math string and the vertical bar to mark a computer code string.


You can prepend a backslash \ before the dollar sign or vertical bar within the URI:


Alternatively you can enclose the whole URI in backticks `…`:


Depending on the type of URI, using percent encoding could also be advisable. In percent encoding, a dollar sign is encoded as %24 and a vertical bar as %7C:


If you did not mean the character to be part of the URI, but want it to be a mark after the URI, you can enclose the actual URI in backticks `…`:

Do you know the PHP->`https://php.net/`-|exit|-function?