- Heading not closed
- Math block not closed
- Malformed tagged-list item
- Unrecognized file type
- Content missing in target
- Target already set
- Target text missing
- @charset declared in embedded file or quotation block
- Too many tags
- Linked parent of Aneamal root directory
- Annotated text missing
- Unmatched right curly bracket
- Filename/URI missing
- Characters after link in metadata declaration
- Corrupt base64 encoding
- Character encoding mismatch
- Unrecognized character encoding
- Too many Aneamal files included
- Invalid characters in language code
- Target text missing in reference
- Metadata name missing
- Invalid notes markup
- Note missing
- Alternative-language code missing
- Multiple consecutive links
- Multiple consecutive hints
- Line feed missing after heading
- Metadata name expected after ->@
- Metadata name after ->@ not declared
- Filename/URI missing
- Malformed custom-mark declaration
- Custom mark already declared
- Malformed multiline metadata declaration
- Origin already set
- Empty tag in tagged list
- Invalid link modifier
- Invalid writing direction declared
- Malformed option
- String not closed
- Data-URI link without description
- Custom mark not declared as link or embedded file
- Missing whitespace between
and math label
- Not a readable file
- Metadata name expected after @
- Metadata name after @ not declared
- Aneamal file not readable
- Curly brackets not closed
- Invalid sandwich markup
- Bottom sandwich delimiter missing
- Prefix missing in sandwich markup
- x-module subtype missing
- Unrecognized file type
- Content in template
- Unknown Aneamal template
- Embedded file not supported for this metadata name
- Unprotected special character in URI
- Blank line missing after expandable-section heading
- Expandable-section heading missing
- Expandable-section heading not closed
- Invalid @layout value
- Invalid @header value
- Invalid @footer value
- Invalid @look value
- Heading text missing
- Target text missing
- Invalid @aside value
- Too many fields in TSV line
- Module not found
- Forbidden URI type for @meta
- Main heading incomplete
- Unexpected character in metadata name
- Reserved metadata name
- Reserved metadata name
- Not a readable file
- File exceeds textcap
- Metadata name already declared
- Invalid @meta value
- Forbidden URI type for linked Aneamal file
- Error in module
- ParseError in module
- TypeError in module
- Forbidden URI type for file
- Forbidden URI type for linked image file
- Not a readable file
- Aneamal file exceeds textcap
- Link expected to point to a file
- Missing whitespace between key and answer
- Crossed-out string or inline note not closed
- Unmatched right cross or unmatched right fork
- Reserved characters at paragraph start
- Reserved first character in line
- Missing whitespace after alignment mark
- Heading or section break in notes
- Alignment of this kind already set
- Alignment for expandable-section break
- Wrong number of links for module
- Too many links for linked file
- Too many hints for linked file
- Unexpected character in module name
- Origin set for single-tagged list
- Tag combination already used to tag an item
- Tag combination already used in another combination
- Message from module
- Invalid @fix value
- Tagged list lacks tags
- Invalid data URI
- Link text or address required
- Preview image folder not writable
- Metadata name expected after ->@
- Metadata name after ->@ not declared
- Invalid @load value
- Address missing
- Malformed textbox
- Missing whitespace after textbox
- Unexpected tab character in suggestions file
- Reserved textbox type
- PHP exception
- Obsolete character encoding
- Malformed file token
- Value missing in metadata declaration
- Missing whitespace before caption
- Post handler of module not callable
- Post handler of module returned unexpected type
- Embedded file used for unrecognized metadata name
- Metadata name not declared with text value
- Metadata name not declared with link value
- Metadata name not declared with link value
- t-module subtype missing
- Mix of mutually exclusive and non-exclusive options
- Post handler of module did not return a PHP list
- PHP installation lacks graphics extension
- Could not create preview image
- Could not save preview image
- Obsolete shorthand for data URI hyperlinks
- Seamless section break without corresponding heading