Thirteen 🍀
ROT13 module by Martin Janecke
Thirteen is a text-processing module for Aneamal which encrypts plain text with the ROT13 substitution cipher. The encryption is very easy to break, so do not use this for sensitive data. But it can serve illustrative purposes in an introduction to cryptography or pose a challenge to readers who enjoy riddles.
The first example encrypts and displays a poem by Emily Dickinson:
Vs V pna fgbc bar urneg sebz oernxvat, V funyy abg yvir va inva; Vs V pna rnfr bar yvsr gur npuvat, Be pbby bar cnva, Be uryc bar snvagvat ebova Hagb uvf arfg ntnva, V funyy abg yvir va inva.
The second example encrypts the Latin alphabet, given as an embedded file:
Thirteen is published under the GNU All-Permissive License:
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.
- Download Thirteen.
- Unzip the downloaded ZIP archive, revealing the folder t-13.
- Upload the folder t-13 into your aneamal directory.
Please write an email in case you found a bug or need help. You can find the developer’s email address here.
Version history
Thirteen 1
- initial release
- works with Aneamal 30+, but requires PHP 8.1+
- published 2024-03-20