Regular subsection break - -

A subsection break marks the end of a subsection that began with a subsection heading before. But you can also use regular subsection breaks to subdivide a section that does not have any subsection headings. The regular subsection break is displayed as a horizontal line by default, but can be re-styled.

How to

A regular subsection break is simply written as two hyphens that are separated by a single space - - in an otherwise empty line. Subsection breaks are block markup, so they usually require a blank line above and below.


Here is a subsection break styled in a fancy manner:

- -

For developers

Regular subsection breaks become HTML hr elements with a class attribute whose value is _h3 when an Aneamal file is translated to a webpage:

<hr class='_h3'>

Browsers would display this as a horizontal rule by default, but the appearance of the regular subsection break in the example was changed with CSS to show a fleuron. Note that the fleuron has the code point U+2766 in the Unicode standard.

._h3 {
	all: unset;
	display: block;
	margin: 1em 0;
	text-align: center;
._h3::after {
	content: "\002766";
	font-size: xx-large;