Single-tagged list <…> …

A single-tagged list is a collection of items in which each item is marked with a tag (instead of a bullet in a bulleted list or a number in a numbered list). The tags can be words or phrases.

Tag an item to form a relationship such as between a term and its definition in a glossary, a question and its answer, a book title and synopsis, a wanted person’s name and their portrait …

How to

A single-tagged list is a block, so it usually needs to be preceded and followed by a blank line except when it is at the start or end of a file respectively.

Start each tag-item pair of the list on a new line. The tag comes first. Mark the start of the tag with a less-than sign < and the end of the tag with a greater-than sign >. It is recommended to have a space after the tag like in the example below. The tag may contain text with phrase markup.

The item comes after the tag and does not need any further markup, but it may contain text with phrase markup, or a file such as an image, or a math block.


<bear> a terrestrial mammal
<beard> facial hair
<beer> an alcoholic beverage
a terrestrial mammal
facial hair
an alcoholic beverage

For developers

When Aneamal is translated to HTML, a single-tagged list is turned into an HTML dl element. Each tag is turned into an HTML dt element, followed by the item’s content as dd element. So the example becomes:

<dd>a terrestrial mammal</dd>
<dd>facial hair</dd>
<dd>an alcoholic beverage</dd>