Regular section break ---
A regular section break signals the end of a section visually, typically with a horizontal line on the webpage. A section that ends with a section break started with a section heading earlier. But you can also use regular section breaks to divide a text without any section headings into parts.
How to
A section break is simply marked by three hyphens ---
in an otherwise empty line. A section break is block markup, so there usually needs to be a blank line before and after it.
The section break in this example is displayed in a unique style.
For developers
When Aneamal is translated into a webpage, section breaks become HTML hr elements with a class attribute whose value is _h2
<hr class='_h2'>
Browsers would display this as a horizontal rule by default, but you can change the appearance with CSS like in the example:
._h2 {
all: unset;
background: url(/stuff/separator.png) no-repeat center;
display: block;
height: 25px;
margin: 1em 0;