Crossed-out string +-…-+
You can cross out words or phrases when they are no longer valid but shall remain readable. This can be necessary to document changes and may be desirable for promotional or comedic effect.
Crossed-out text is most often styled struck through, that is by superimposing a horizontal line on the words.
How to
Mark the start of crossed-out text with a left cross +-
and the end with a right cross -+
as in the example below. A cross always consists of a plus sign and a hyphen. Combined they resemble a Latin cross turned to the side. The left cross has the plus sign first while the right cross has the hyphen first.
Crossing out is phrase markup, so the cross which marks the start and the cross which marks the end of the crossed-out string must be within the same block. If you want to cross out multiple consecutive paragraphs, you need to start and end each paragraph with left and right crosses respectively.
Get five precious euros for +-€7.90-+ only €6.40 today!
Get five precious euros for €7.90 only €6.40 today!
For developers
When Aneamal is translated to HTML, a crossed-out string is turned into an HTML s element. The above example becomes
Get five precious euros for <s>€7.90</s> only €6.40 today!
Browsers usually render the s element struck through by default, but you can change how it is displayed with CSS. The first of the following CSS rules makes the browsers’ default explicit and the second rule causes nested crossed-out strings to appear struck through twice.
s {
text-decoration: line-through;
s s {
text-decoration-style: double;