224: Clue not yet supported

This error message has been obsolete since version 29 of the Aneamal Translator. Please update to the current version.

Legacy information

You linked or embedded an Aneamal file or text file with [a:…] or [t:…] respectively. The colon inside the file token generally separates the type – in this case a or t – from the clue, wich is a short description of the file’s content or function. However, clues are not supported for [a] and [t] files in version 28 of the Aneamal Translator yet.


If you want to add a short description of your linked or embedded Aneamal file or text file, you can do so with a comment like in the following example:

% infobox about the author

Prior to version 2018-B15 of the Aneamal Translator [a:foo] and [t:bar] referred to an Aneamal template a-foo and a t-module t-bar respectively. If you mean to use an Aneamal template or a t-module, replace the colon with a hyphen. For example, [a:foo] would be changed to [a-foo].